A 3-month

sisterhood experience to build the foundation of

for your service-based

A 3-month

sisterhood experience to build the foundation of

for your service-based business

Experience 12-week coaching program to be held in your business expansion

Be guided with more spaciousness to implement the teachings of Creatrix Calling

Identify + clear your sneaky limiting beliefs around your value and worth

Build a sustainable business infrastructure rooted in frequency-first

Launch your offer(s) with support and experienced guidance

Deepen with your Creatrix sisters in a 4-hour virtual VIP day

Dear Fellow Creatrix,

I know what it feels like to be stuck in the loop of financial instability and confusion. You’re burned out and tired of overthinking your next steps – wondering if you’re doing something wrong or you’re somehow “behind.” You keep trying new strategies that don’t get results. On the hard days, you question whether you’ll ever be able to sustain this business without burning out.

Here’s the thing, love

You KNOW you have something incredible to bring to market. At some point, you have to take the leap, receive experienced guidance, and operate from a new energetic perspective.

When you learn the one-to-many, Creatrix group coaching model, you’ll forever transform your business. With this business model, I’ve watched countless clients consistently hit $10-30K, and beyond.

This is about taking your soul-aligned work and turning it into a one core offering, then learning to make it succeed in the marketplace. When you design your signature process, you can launch it year after year and it will grow, develop, and deepen with your evolution.

It’s time to leave the burnout, confusion, overwhelm, and self-doubt behind.

Some part of you knows, SO much more ease and success is possible… but you haven’t been able to figure out the missing piece that makes it all click.

There are likely two key missing pieces if you’ve been feeling this way….

1. One simple, core offer. A scalable signature process that will allow you to leverage your time, serve more people, and finally create your profitable business – all while doing the work you truly love.

2. A monetization plan: deepening your sales and marketing skills to be able to consistently and repeatedly close clients.

1. One simple, core offer. A scalable signature process that will allow you to leverage your time, serve more people, and finally create your profitable business – all while doing the work you truly love.

2. A monetization plan: deepening your sales and marketing skills to be able to consistently and repeatedly close clients.


Let’s go back to the basics.

A pure intention.

A clear product vision.

An energetically-aligned leader.

A compelling offer.

This is your time to trust yourself!

Are you willing to take a leap on a new model and stretch into a new income level?

The Prosperity Queendom team and I want to help you stand up, own your gifts, and learn a process that will support you well into your future.

What sets you apart from the rest is YOU. Your essence, your professionalism, your integrity, your healing vibration.

Once you have the energetics of your offering set, then… and ONLY then… you need the structure to carry out the vision in a strategic and creative way. Intuition first, then the strategy of the mind second.


are you ready to claim your gifts, step into your greatness, and finally become the high-value coach, lightworker, and entrepreneur you know you can be?

Do you believe in this vision of your sustainable success?

In order to be brave, you must face fear. In order to prosper, you must face scarcity. In order to be your biggest self, you must break out of self-denial. Experience the soul nectar honey of living your greatness. When you’re first getting started in business, these are the most important elements…

Cultivating a strong mindset to keep yourself inspired and in aligned action

Developing a clear and authentic product offering

Building a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can provide you with encouragement, accountability, and valuable feedback, especially in the hard moments



Cultivating a strong mindset to keep yourself inspired and in aligned action




Developing a clear and authentic product offering


Building a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can provide you with encouragement, accountability, and valuable feedback, especially in the hard moments

Setting realistic and achievable goals that align with your vision, and creating an actionable plan to achieve them

Cultivating a strong and consistent self-care practice to maintain your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, which is essential to achieving sustainable success

Learning the foundations of business like marketing, sales, and product launching


Setting realistic and achievable goals that align with your vision, and creating an actionable plan to achieve them


Cultivating a strong and consistent self-care practice to maintain your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, which is essential to achieving sustainable success


Learning the foundations of business like marketing, sales, and product launching


Creatrix Accelerator is for you if...

  • You are a hungry, passionate woman who’s ready to get into big action around your soul’s purpose.

  • Believe that you can develop your unique gifts and teachings that can attract soul-aligned clients who are hungry for transformation.

  • Embrace your shadows and fears as powerful opportunities to step into your power and bring your highest vision to life.

  • Are ready to launch your coaching business alongside a group of badass women who will ignite your passion and provide the support you need to succeed.

  • Feel a deep conviction in your soul that NOW to go ALL IN on your business dreams.

The Creatrix Community

Prepare for a new experience of female community. The Creatrix community is all about collaborative sisterhood, encouraging each other’s success, and feeling true love & support.. Sweetheart, you belong here. It is safe to THRIVE here.

The perfect amount of hand-holding and booty-kicking! We’ll embrace you when you’re down, and give you a loving nudge when you need to get back on track.

Your Creatrix is Calling You to Be Brave, Bold, and Brazen

Committing to this journey, this idea, and this business is you saying YES to your spiritual initiation.

This program is about so much more than the money…it’s about taking action on your soul purpose and watching your vision come to life.

I’m here to help you drop into your feminine intuition, stretch yourself beyond what you thought you could do, and come into your power. I’m honored to be your guide not only in business and prosperity, but in your spiritual initiation. This path will be dark and scary at times, but it’s beautiful and real too. From one lightworker to another—the time is now to take a risk on yourself. Time to believe in something so much bigger than you. Time to go for the goal that will set you up financially and change the trajectory of your future.

Why I’m passionate about leading this course…

Creatrix Accelerator was created to support the implementation of Creatrix Calling, and to be a foundational course for those who don’t yet feel ready for Creatrix Academy.

My art is in keeping the process as simple as possible when I teach. It’s distilled in the short path because I took the long path for you. Timeline hop while standing on my shoulders babe, I got you.

My team and I created this program so that women like you can feel deeply held, supported, and empowered in the times when you feel challenged and tested… (because we all know that comes with the territory of expansion). My gift to you is far more than my knowledge of business, it’s the deep and unwavering belief I give to my clients.

I believe in you.


Jolie Featured In...

My name is Jolie Dawn.

And I’m an intuitive business coach + launch strategist.

My art is helping women awaken their spiritual gifts, embody their value, and grow their businesses to six figures and above.

I’m a recovering perfectionist, anxious mess of an overly-ambitious lightworker. When I first ventured into the coaching world, I was a lost cookie. I took bad advice, tried to force things to happen, and even invested multiple 5-figures on fancy internet marketing funnels that never converted a single sale. Ouch.

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Finally one day, I got tired of looking outside of myself for answers. I was ready to leverage my time so I could serve more people and finally support myself at the level I wanted in my business.

I drove out to the forest in San Diego, sat down with my big sticky notepad, and spent the whole day mapping out my first group program. I wrote out every piece with deliverables, lessons, and a clear structure. I mulled it over and moved things around until it felt just right.

Then, I ran my first beta test of it! I enrolled 20 women at $500 each and had my first $10k launch! A few months later, I launched it again and made $20k. All with ZERO paid advertising!

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To this day, the courses I teach are a time-tested and perfected version of this exact course. Every time I launch this course, it’s a 6-figure launch. Today I’ve had over 100 successful online launches, built a multiple 6-figure business, and helped my clients earn over $3 million over the last 4 years. And it all started with this structure and that day in the forest of San Diego.

My business finally hit that critical point of growth when I developed my signature process and learned the one-to-many group coaching model.

Now I want to show you exactly how I made this shift in my business and how you can do the same.


Creatrix Vision + Crafting a 12-Week Plan

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Creatrix Vision + Crafting a 12-Week Plan

Become crystal clear on your vision for your business, identify and overcome limiting beliefs that may be holding you back, and develop a week-by-week action plan.

Foundational Launch Strategies: Your First Online Lead Generation Event

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Foundational Launch Strategies: Your First Online Lead Generation Event

Learn how to create your first online event that resonates with your ideal clients, effectively promote it on social media and other marketing channels, and build your email list. Learn how to lead, present, and speak with confidence.

Filling your 1:1 Coaching Roster

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Filling your 1:1 Coaching Roster

Learn the strategies and techniques you need to fill your 1:1 coaching roster with soul-aligned clients who are eager and ready to invest in their transformation. We'll cover the program outline, pricing and marketing strategy.

Designing + Launching Your Group Coaching Offer

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Designing + Launching Your Group Coaching Offer

Embody the confidence and learn the skills to design and launch a successful group coaching offer that empowers your clients to achieve their goals and transform their lives.

Effectively Pricing + Overcoming Value Doubts

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Effectively Pricing + Overcoming Value Doubts

Master the art of effective pricing and overcome doubts about your value and worth of your services. You'll learn how to determine your pricing strategy based on your unique skills, experience, and market demand, and how to confidently communicate your value to potential clients.

What's Included?

5 Video Training Modules by Jolie (Released every 2 weeks)

6 Live Coaching, Q&A + Implementation Sessions by Master Coach Kiana Prema

Private Whatsapp group for community connection

Member’s portal for easy learning environment

Lifetime access to content + all recordings

PDF downloads

Creatrix Accelerator is the foundational course to prepare for Creatrix Academy.

Should you choose to continue studying and training with Jolie Dawn, Kiana Prema and Prosperity Queendom, you’ll have your business foundation built to be able to scale with the Creatrix Launch Model.

This program is for you if...


What Jolie’s Clients Are Saying

What Jolie’s Clients Are Saying

Enroll Now in Creatrix Accelerator

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