Business + Launch Accelerator to



Success & Prosperity

Experience a 3-month program to be held in your growth

Magnetize your soul-fam community

Learn and implement the Creatrix Launch Model

Strategize your online lead gen event + offer

Quantum leap your revenue + impact

Relax into a curated sisterhood of love and support

Picture this with me for a moment, Creatrix.

You wake up to a spacious, slow morning. The coffee is brewing and a feeling of deep contentment and fulfillment washes over you. You’re looking forward to the day of service ahead. You’ve got a full roster of dream clients. Your email is flooded with notifications of sales that came in overnight. Your bank account reflects a number that once was only the whisper of a dream. It’s all so damn spacious. In your DMs, message after message reflects the massive impact you are creating. Your clients are so grateful for your love, your care, and your leadership.

Your heart is full. 

Your bank account is full.

Your spirit is full.

Building your business and making money is a fluid extension of your creativity and artistry.

Building your business and making money is a fluid extension of your creativity and artistry. Inspiration flows daily, and your self-expression is on fire. Your channel is open, and you are tapped into your soul’s calling— sharing the depths of your wisdom on a stage that you created. You are the source of the magic, expanding every day, in the sacred dance of accelerated action.

One Word:



is your future. is already you.


Do you believe in this grand vision of your success?

Creatrix, If you can’t, who will?

In order to be brave, you must face fear.

In order to prosper, you must face scarcity.

In order to be your biggest self, you must break out of the shell of smallness.

Experience the soul nectar honey of


I know the pain of when business doesn’t seem to click…

Creatrix Accelerator is the launch accelerator of a lifetime.

Every single woman in class will be launching a mid to high-ticket program within the 3-month container. It’s dynamic, adventurous, and requires the big self to shine through. Your business will never be the same again, and neither will you.

The journey has a foundation in frequency-first business and the spiritual tools you need to thrive & prosper. It’s where the spiritual and the practical come to play together. You’ll develop the tactical skills of taking client calls, creating contracts, managing payments and setting up your course. You’ll receive in-depth sales strategy training, learn marketing and branding, and develop confidence in your Signature Process and ability to fill your programs. Each step you take in your business will be grounded in deep the inner-work of partnering with the divine to bring your program and your mission to life.

To take this group journey is to step into a vortex. Creatrix Accelerator is a rigorous learning environment. You will be deeply held through each step of the process by incredible, world-class coaches and mentors. You’ll be supported and cheered on by a group of sisters who will become life-long friends and colleagues. And you’ll be asked to show up for yourself and your vision in a way you never have before. The manifestation field we create is momentous, magical, and expansive…

This is what’s possible in Creatrix Accelerator.

Creatrix Accelerator is for you if…

This is all possible when you strip away any doubt or fear that keeps you playing a small game and choose to go all-in on yourself.

You say yes to your inner Creatrix, and commit to yourself like you never have before. You know that accelerated success comes from accepting the support from experienced coaches who know the process, and who will hold your hand through both the darkest and brightest moments of this journey. You are safe to stretch beyond what you think you can do here. We’ve got you.

Say it with me,


Your Creatrix is Calling You Forth

The deep yearning you feel to create, deserves your devotion.

Committing to this journey, this idea, and this business is you saying YES to your spiritual initiation.

This program is about so much more than a 5-figure+ launch…it’s about taking action on your soul purpose and watching your vision come to life.

As a coach, I’m here to teach you the tools and strategies I used to have over 50 successful online launches.

But even more than that, I’m here to help you drop into your feminine intuition, stretch yourself beyond what you thought you could do, and come into your power. I’m honored to be your guide not only in business and prosperity, but in your spiritual initiation. This path will be dark and scary at times, but it’s beautiful and real too. From one lightworker to another— it’s time to take a risk on yourself. Time to believe in something so much bigger than you. Time to go for the goal that will set you up financially and change the trajectory of your future.

Creatrix Accelerator is the program where I give you EVERYTHING.

I mean it babe, the entire Creatrix Launch Model and the systems, strategies, and templates I used to grow my business from $0 to $550,000/year. I use all organic traffic, a simple business model, and being in the highest expression of my soul’s purpose. You’ll receive the whole damn thang. A formula that you can rinse, wash, and repeat for years to come, so that you can eliminate the guesswork and make the kind of money that will change your life.

Because the truth is, the YOU that’s out there hitting $5k, $10k, $20k, and beyond cash months is already inside of you. And she’s ready to come out to play. All you need to do is take the leap, believe this is possible, and say yes to the future of your wildest dreams.

Creatrix Accerator is a perfect blend of the spiritual AND the strategy. Witchy magic meets calculated planning.

Creatrix Academy is a perfect blend of

The Spiritual

And the Strategy.

Witchy Magic

Meets Calculated Planning.

Why I’m passionate about leading this course…

I created Creatrix Accelerator because it was the program I wanted to see in this industry. It was the program I always wanted in my beginning, tender years. Real strategy, tested methods, boss-ass marketing blueprints, all with the feminine heart in mind. The frequency-first spiritual approach is what has worked for me in business, so that’s how I lead.

From the outside, you might see that I’ve had a thriving business for 8 years, have the multi 6-figure dream business, published 6 bestselling books, and write for Entrepreneur Magazine. You may have seen me as the repeated successful launch queen with over 30 back-to-back successful online launches and many thousands of women learning from me each year.

What you don’t see from the outside, however, is how many times I’ve “failed” and landed on my ass in business. What you don’t see is how many stacks of notebooks I have in my closet from my daily journaling practice with affirmations, prayers, and creating self-fulfilling prophecies. What you don’t see on the outside is the woman with grit and daily tenacity that stopped for absolutely f*cking nothing.

This is what I am here to awaken in you, the woman that won’t stop for anything. She clicks into that field of momentum and rides it to the moon. Queen, give me 6 months of your life, and I’ll give you an entirely new future.

My art is in keeping the process as simple as possible when I teach. It’s distilled in the short path because I took the long path for you. Timeline hop while standing on my shoulders babe, I got you.

My team and I created this program so that women like you can feel deeply held, supported, and empowered in the times when they feel challenged and tested. My gift to you is far more than my knowledge of business, it’s the deep and unwavering belief I give to my clients.

I believe in you.


0 %

Of our graduates report that the value they received was beyond their investment.

0 %

Of our 2022 + 2023 graduating class fulfilled their online lead generation launches.

Why Creatrix Accelerator has such a high success rate…

My clients have some of the highest success rates in the industry for one very distinct reason… I’m a coach with HEART. I care deeply about your results, and give everything I have to the people I serve. I know the impact it will have when the lightworkers of our planet are supported and living their purpose, and it’s my personal mission to guide as many women as possible to rise up and claim their power, healing gifts, and birthright to prosperity.

I’m in devotion to the divine feminine rising on Earth.

We have worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs, and have helped launch countless 6-figure businesses. Over the years, I’ve made my clients millions, because I love to see women rise up and be the bosses of the world.



Co- Facilitator
Head of Content & Strategy


Master Coach + Co-Facilitator


Experience Coordinator


Experience Coordinator


Nina Camille is a transformational guide, mentor, healer, author, yoga teacher and retreat leader.

She is the creator of Experience Freedom, a suite of group programs & luxury retreats for epic beings to radically open, dissolve trauma, discover the truth of who they are and give their gifts in a safe, expansive and loving container. Her passion lies in guiding people to true inner freedom, deeper connection + authenticity in a way that is practical, sustainable, and miracle-inducing. She teaches the art of transformation & connection to other leaders so they develop the skills to create safe spaces for their communities.

Nina lives to help people discover themselves and each other fully so they can fulfill their mission here on Earth all while having a really beautiful, intimate and joyful time.

The magic of this program is in the container that’s created when my gifts mesh with those of my incredible team – as well as the committed and heart-centered women who are attracted to this group. 

In Creatrix Accelerator, you’ll be held not only by me, but also by a group of highly trained and talented coaches.

These women have successful established businesses of their own and are among the most powerful healers, coaches, and psychics in the world. They will support you with hands-on coaching and accountability, and they’ll share their own knowledge and experience of launches and beyond. 

I’ve brought in several of the most successful graduates of Creatrix as guest speakers and experts. And you’ll have mastermind sessions with your fellow group-members to help keep you connected and on-track between sessions and calls. When this group of intelligent and intuitive women comes together, we create a kind of synergy and manifestation power like nothing you’ve ever experienced. And we can’t wait to share it with you!


Watch this video to see Creatrix Accelerator graduates speak about their success.

Peek Inside the Creatrix Academy
Retreat Immersion Experience...




Class begins November 13th, 2024. Class times are 12pm CT.


The Creatrix Templates™ Vault

Receive over 20 fully templated, comprehensive documents to launch your online masterclass, challenge, or event.

Including client onboarding contracts, affiliate contracts, email templates, launch promo templates, sales page templates and more. These Creatrix Templates™ will guide you through every critical function of launching your online business, ensuring that you have the necessary tools to succeed. This has been designed to save you time and energy, allowing you to focus on what you do best – being a badass, heart-centered lightworker creating value for others.


Live Immersion in Austin, Texas

We’ll bring this sisterhood to the next level in Austin, Texas during our LIVE 2-Day Immersive Experience, August 29th & 30th. Join us in the 3D for connection exercises, workshopping, sharing, community closeness, movement, and embodiment.

Imagine arriving at a gorgeous, top-notch event space in Austin, the soul connection of this Creatrix community vibrating all around and within you, finally meeting your digital sisters and coaches in physical form!

You’ll be held through guided experiences designed to help you deepen your connection with your inner Creatrix and within the sisterhood. These women will become your soul fam, collaborators and supporters for life! Imagine being seen in a way that you may never have experienced before, the opportunity to share your heart, and to give and receive love in an intimate way with the women who are on this Creatrix journey with you.

This is exactly what we’re creating with the LIVE 2-Day Immersive Experience where you’ll be in-person with the lead facilitator, Jolie, and the master coaches, Nina and Dani.

Picture yourself traveling home, feeling a sense of wholeness, empowerment, effervescence and wisdom, ready to create the business launch of your lifetime.


The Creatrix Launch Model


What's Included?


2 days in Austin, Texas

The Immersion will be held at Vuka Bouldin Creek in Austin, Texas.

Our students report that attending our Creatrix Academy live immersions is one of the most meaningful events they’ve ever attended. We specially curate the days to provide two important experiences. 1) To fully embody the Creatrix. The part of you that is having her quantum leap in leadership, magnetism, and prosperity. 2) To connect into lifelong sisterhood. To feel a deep sense of belonging to the community and create connections that last far beyond the program. Your tuition covers the cost of the 2-day immersive experience. Transportation, accommodation and meals are not included. If you’re unable to attend live in Austin, we will miss you! And… we will have a digital retreat option for those who cannot attend.

Interested in exploring if Creatrix Accelerator is a fit for you, and to learn about the investment?

When does class begin?
November 13th, 2024

Step 1) Click Join Creatrix Accelerator

Step 2) Book.a 1:1 session with Nina where she will give you a launch vision and map out what a potential launch could be and also discuss the class with you

Step 3) Let the Universe do her magic!

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